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What Is A Good Golf Score? Find Out Here!

What is Golf Score?

Golf is an activity enjoyed by people of all ages, shapes, sizes and skill levels. It’s also one of the few sports where you can get away without having to spend too much.

While golf is a fun sport, it can also be a challenging perfect golf game to play. If you’re new to the game, find out what score you should expect.

The golf score is a way of measuring how well you play. It’s not about how much you sink the ball, but how few strokes you used to sink the ball.

Each time you hit the ball, the count goes up. If you end up sinking it in the hole, the count goes back down. The lower the total, the better you did!

I’m going to give you a quick overview of what a good golf score looks like and if you’re looking to improve your rounds of golf game, you’ll definitely want to keep reading.

Good golf score for young beginners?

A beginner’s goal would be around 200 or less. This means that on average, he/she will have two shots per green, so they won’t need more than 2 putts.

This number varies depending on the course conditions. For example: On a fast track course with lots of bunkers, this number might go as high as 250.

However, these numbers are usually higher for beginners because their swing speed isn’t there yet.

This is assuming that you’re not including the score of any strokes you took while getting to and from the green and not counting any penalty strokes you might incur for violating the rules of golf club.

We can say it’s a good golf ranking score if you make the ball and the hole and you take 18 holes. What I want to say is: “A score of 100 is a good score for a decent player”.

Good golf score for adult beginners?

An average adult golfer will have some trouble with their swing mechanics when they first play golf basics.

A good golf score for beginners would be around 80. This means that they are not hitting the ball as well on average as someone who has been practicing longer or more often.

The best thing about being a beginner adult golfers is that there isn’t any pressure put upon them to perform better than others in order to reach this level.

This allows them to just enjoy themselves while learning how to hit the ball properly.

If you’ve never played before, I would recommend starting off with no expectations of yourself until you feel comfortable enough to set goals.

Your goal shouldn’t be beating other players, but improving your own skills.

What is a good golf score for a pro?

For those who play several times per week, their scores typically range between 100-110. These average golf scores include all aspects of the game, such as putting, chipping and driving.

In addition, each shot taken counts towards your overall score. So, even though you may only take 5 shots on every hole, you still receive credit for taking five golf shots during the round.

It doesn’t matter whether you made an eagle on hole 1 or went double bogey golf on hol 12. Every single stroke counts toward the final score.

To calculate your score, simply add together the number of balls used plus the number of holes completed.

That gives us 6. Since we had three strikes, subtracting 6 from 10 gives us four remaining strokes per hole which equals 4 points.

Now let’s look at our 20 point bonus. We can see that we needed 15 green shots to earn this additional 25 points – however, since we also earned 3 birdies along the way, we actually scored 18 instead of 17.

Therefore, we get to finish the round with a score of 27.

So now you know why pros don’t care too much about making perfect swings – their focus lies elsewhere.

What’s the worst golf score?

Let me tell you. There’s nothing worse than having a terrible round of golf ball. It hurts my heart to think about it.

But unfortunately, sometimes things happen out of our control. Like missing greenside bunker shots.

Or hooking errant drives into trees. Or striking the flagstick with one’s club and sending it flying.

And then comes the dreaded triple bogey golfer. Triple Bogeys are where two consecutive bad shots occur within ten minutes of each other.

The third shot must be poor so badly that it ends up costing you 30 points. How did this person make a triple bogey?

Well, if he/she was lucky, there were plenty of people watching to witness what happened.

If not, maybe somebody saw his/her car parked outside the clubhouse after dark.

Regardless of where these horrible events occurred, the bottom line is that you’re going to have some pretty ugly rounds of a golf swing. And nobody enjoys seeing that.

Is it possible to recover from a triple bogey? Yes, yes, it is. But it takes patience and persistence. Because ultimately, you will need to work hard to improve your swing mechanics.

You’ll need to practise again and again and again until you become proficient at swinging correctly.

How to improve your golf game?

The best advice I could give anyone looking to improve their beloved golf game is: Start small.

  • Minor changes in technique lead to big improvements in performance quickly. Whereas trying to change everything at once leads to frustration and disappointment.
  • Start by focusing on just ONE aspect of your game. For example, learning how to hit straight shots consistently.
  • Once you master that skill set, move onto another area, like wedges or irons. Then putt.
  • Next tackle driver accuracy.
  • Then play more challenging courses such as “Hole 1” or “Hole 12”. This helps build confidence before tackling tougher terrain like “Par-5 3”.
  • Finally, when all else fails, go back to basics and learn how to chip and pitch effectively.

Remember, just because you’ve mastered the first step does NOT mean you won’t fail miserably later down the road. You might hit sand wedge off the tee box.

Tips when playing golf

Skilled golfers often ask themselves questions like: How do I position myself for a better lie? What should I wear? Which clubs to use? Where am I most comfortable?

In fact, many junior golfers spend hours searching fFinese kinds of questions. All well and good, but they aren’t really important.

At least, not when compared to knowing how to hold the club properly. Let us show you how. 

1) Grip size and hand position

A player who grips too tightly can cause shoulder pain and injury. Conversely, players who grip loosely struggle with accuracy. That’s why we recommend using an oversized grip size.

As always, keep your left hand over the top of your right hand. Your hands should never cross during a proper grip. If either side crosses, you risk losing balance and making mistakes due to muscle fatigue.

2) Shoulder alignment

When gripping a club, ensure that both shoulders are aligned directly behind the ball. To achieve this, imagine a string connecting your neck to the inside tip of your elbow. When holding the club properly, this imaginary string passes through the centre of your body.

3) Swing path

To get maximum power out of any stroke fundamentals, aim to strike the ball with a slight downward arc. Try to stay low throughout the entire backswing and follow through.

4) Ball placement & posture

Aiming to place the ball close to where you want to land it means aiming for a high percentage shot.

The further away you place the ball, the lower your chances of getting there. So take lots of time to practise short putting drills so that you develop perfect posture.

Note: Also remember that if you have trouble keeping your eyes ahead while standing still, then you may suffer from poor vision. Get tested today.

Your score will improve dramatically if you focus on one thing at a period of time. Do what works best for YOU. Don’t worry about whether someone else is doing it differently or even worse than you. Just concentrate on improving YOUR swing. Only THEN can you expect to see results.

If you don’t know what level of golf you’re currently achieving, then we suggest setting up a free account with our website. We’ll tell you exactly which areas need improvement. It couldn’t be easier.


So, what is a good golf score? The answer to that question depends on your golf handicap, age, proficiency level, and consistency.

A score that is good for your friend may not be good for you. The average score for male amateur golfers is about 85, while the average for female golfers is about 95.

Most golfers will shoot in the 80s, with many scoring in the 90s.

Gary Hodges

Gary Hodges

Gary Thompson founded GolfBoxy in 2020 to provide accessible golf advice for average players. An avid golfer of 15+ years, Gary draws on his own experience as a lifelong bogey golfer to offer practical tips and unbiased reviews focused on the needs of recreational players.

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