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Do Golf Balls Get Waterlogged- Read Here

Waterlogged, this state of being, in which your golf ball has absorbed a lot of water and thus has a much higher water content than when you last hit it.  It’s a very bad thing. If you’ve seen a golfer hit a ball that is waterlogged, you’ll know it too, because it will be shot off in a very different direction than anticipated, as it is much heavier.

The classic “golf ball in the water” experiment is a staple of high school science fairs everywhere. The idea is simple: drop a golf ball into a glass of water and see how long it takes to sink. If you’re lucky, you might even get to see your ball bobbing on the surface of the water for several minutes until it finally disappears beneath the surface. This may seem surprising, but it’s actually just a form of capillary action that happens the same way with a sponge.

As a golfer, you need to pay attention to a lot of things to ensure that you hit the ball well – your stance, your grip, your swing, and more importantly, where the ball ends up. You can’t control the wind or the rain, but you can control the quality of your equipment. If your equipment is less than ideal, it’s going to be hard for you to keep your drives straight and your putts in the right spot.

Waterlogged golf balls are more of a curiosity than a hazard, but they can cause an occasional problem. If you’re playing in a heavy downpour, for example, and your ball lands in a puddle, water from the puddle can soak through the ball’s outer layer and affect its aerodynamics. This can cause it to fly off line and into even more water, which can make the ball go even more off line. This might sound like a vicious cycle, but it does have its upsides.

do golf balls absorb water

Play a round of golf in the rain and you’ll see just how quickly a golf ball can get wet and heavy. But does that mean that a wet golf ball is a bad thing? Not always: in fact, in some cases it can actually improve your game. When a golf ball is hit into the water, it absorbs some of the water into its shell, increasing its weight.

A heavier ball is harder to hit off the tee and can make putting easier, because it spends less time in the air. However, a ball that is too heavy can be harder to control. Like any other golf equipment, golf balls do react to outside forces in their environment.

There are numerous factors that can affect the performance of golf balls, including the temperature, humidity, and sunlight. As a result, golf balls get waterlogged when they are exposed to water or any moisture for too long. The worst feeling in golf is having a shot right down the middle of the fairway only to see the ball shank left due to a bad lie.

This can be caused by a number of factors, and the cause is usually covered in the fine print of the rules of golf. The short answer to the question “do golf balls get waterlogged” is yes. However, you can overcome this handicap with a little patience and some extra golf balls.

How to determine if a golf ball is waterlogged

When it comes to waterlogged golf balls, the first thing you need to do is check the ball’s specific gravity, which is a measure of the density of a liquid relative to the density of water. (A golf ball that’s 1.6 ounces and made of solid rubber will sink to the bottom of a tub of water that’s 8.5 inches deep, while a golf ball that’s 1.6 ounces and made of solid rubber will sink to the bottom of a tub of water that’s 8.5 inches deep, for example.)

Two common methods of testing a golf ball are the golf ball float test and the golf ball squeeze test. The golf ball float test is best used in determining the presence of water in a used golf ball.

The golf ball squeeze test is used to find out if a golf ball is waterlogged. One of the most common reasons is that golfers don’t put the ball away properly after they have played with it. 

How can I make my golf ball go longer

The first is to find the right golf ball for your needs. A ball that is too hard or too soft for your swing will not go as far as a ball that is designed for your swing speed. If you are a beginner, you should probably start with a ball that is medium hardness, but if you don’t feel like doing all that research, there are online tools that can help you find the right golf ball.

Golf is a sport that is played with a small ball. The game consist of a number of different players that take turns hitting the ball into a hole. The game is a lot of fun, but it’s even more fun when you can hit the ball further. The fact is, there are a number of ways you can change your golf swing to make the ball go as far as possible.

The size of your driver doesn’t matter nearly as much as the angle of your swing. Too many beginner golfers focus on what they’re swinging at, instead of what they’re swinging from. A golf swing that’s straight, but crooked at the top or the bottom, will produce a shorter, more uncontrolled shot. Instead, focus on your setup and swing fundamentals.

It’s always better to start with a longer club, then move down to something shorter once your fundamentals are in place, and the distances you can cover with those fundamentals are much longer than with just about any other club.

How to fix a waterlogged golf ball

Waterlogged balls are a pain in the backside. We’ve all experienced that heart-breaking moment when a ball drops dramatically short of the hole during a tournament because it was hit a bit too hard and landed in a water hazard. There is a quick fix, though, the problem can be solved in less than five minutes, with some household items.

While golfing, you may come across a waterlogged ball. What you do with it depends on how much time you have. If you’re concerned about the integrity of the ball, you can’t wait too long before you start the drying process. You can start by rolling the wet ball on the ground.

This will spread the water out and help release some of the moisture. If you have a towel, you can rub the ball with it. If not, you can use a shirt, but do so gently. Unfortunately, waterlogged golf balls are a common problem on rainy days.

They don’t hurt to hit, but are slow and hard to control, which can lead to a lot of frustration and poor scores. To fix a waterlogged golf ball, remove the wet and soggy ball from your bag and place it in a plastic bag to protect your other golf balls.  Then, add a few tablespoons of uncooked rice to the wet golf ball. Leave your ball out of the bag for a couple of days, checking it occasionally. 

How to avoid waterlogging your golf ball

Waterlogging is a major problem for amateur golfers, and it is one that is easily avoided. All you need to do is make sure you know how to store your clubs properly, and the problem can be eradicated. The best way to store your clubs is in a golf club cover.

These will keep your clubs in pristine condition, and they are much better than simply wrapping them in a towel, which can damage the finish. If  you’re a regular golfer, you’ve probably already experienced the frustration of hitting the ball straight, only to watch it slice into the rough or the thick of the trees.

The reason for this is that the golf ball has absorbed too much water, making it heavy and slow. If you notice your ball is starting to look a little damp, you need to get it into a drying chamber or it will be ruined. Waterlogged balls are the bane of every golfer’s existence, and they’re just about the worst thing you could ever experience on the golf course.

To keep your golf balls as dry as possible, it’s important to understand how waterlogging happens in the first place. That way, you’ll be in a position to stop it from happening to you.

Gary Hodges

Gary Hodges

Gary Thompson founded GolfBoxy in 2020 to provide accessible golf advice for average players. An avid golfer of 15+ years, Gary draws on his own experience as a lifelong bogey golfer to offer practical tips and unbiased reviews focused on the needs of recreational players.


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